dont worry i didnt miss it.
Last night a little goodbye get together was held for me and one of the others going to konstanz with me (the other was never seen outside of class). it was a good time and made me feel loved. i am glad that i choose to get to know those people better the last two weeks. made life much better.
so i was up till 1 or 1:30 fell right asleep and had the best sleep i had the whole month. figure that one out. i also had a dream in german. finally.
i woke up at 6 in order to make my bus to the train station. did so, and since i unfourtunatley did not have to pick father up i bought my ticket for the rest of the way here (bühlers). while i was waiting for the train out of paderborn i somehow started talking to some lady who was going all the way to stuttgart, she shared with me some valuable train information that i did not know, which was i only needed to change trains 3 times instead of 4 or 5 like i originally planned. we parted and then at the next stop i talked to her again. this was the longest layover of the day (20 min). parted again and then 2 hours later the connecting train was waiting at the platform right next to the one i was on. it was about to leave so i quick got on randomly, and guess who was there. the same lady. i found it pretty entertaining. the last train, stuttgart-rottweil i also just hoped right on. worked out quite well. the only hassle was carrying the bike through train cars, but without the suit case for it i would need special reservations. so actually it was easier.
since the bühlers were expecting me at 3ish and i got there at 1ish it took some time for a ride to be organized to pick me up, which was just fine. i sat outside the trainstation in the sun for a while.
eventually i got picked up, brought too my second home, and then since it was surprisingly warm out i of course went biking. i went up to Klippeneck 2 times. so 10k of climbing. fun fun. it took 15.25 at 85-90% HR to get up and 6 min to get down, bike felt nice and solid under me decending. i think we have finally become one.
of course the nicest picture taking weather thus far i forgot my camera. oops! maybe tomorrow it will be nice.
then after a nice large good quality meal, i watched the simpons. in german. but still the simpsons.
dad, hope surgery was fun, and you have a nice robitic looking arm.
sorry, i for some reason i cant put pictures on here. grrr. so there will be a bunch next time i am able.
Looks robotic, feels like they drilled holes in my bones. Hockey tomorrow....ha, ha, ha. April Fool's Day.
i am so excited for you have dreamt in german! im kurzen zeit willst du auch immer auf deutsch denken! bis spater, jenni monson
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