08 January, 2010

Long Haul

As we were out west, we were hoping that Colorado would get slammed with some snow, and the hills would all open up. However this never happened, so the icy half opened mnts of CO remained untouched by my skis. In addition to low snow, travel across the midwest was supposed to get awfully sketchy the next few days, and I did not want to get stuck in North Platte, NE...
From Salt Lake we drove South to Moab to check it out, sadly I did not have my bicycle. But the town was pretty cool. We also visited Arches National Park, since we were in the area.
Following that we blasted across the mountains in the dark to Denver, then after a stop at a fabled Waffle House. Finding any of these above the Mason Dixon Line is a task. I would bet we were at the furthest north establishment... The closest one to Mpls is in central MO. It was back home. We could have made it in two stops, but I did not trust the coffee at one of our stops, so we had to do a redo...
It was a good trip.

There were very few others around.

This particular arch spans around 100 meters.It was cool with the red rock and snow.
Cliff hanger."Balanced Rock"We pushed it to the max in Nebraska...

1 comment:

Sean Noonan said...

waaaaffllllllle house!