I will find my way...
Well today was a better day. After class, which is starting to get frustration because people just cannot seem to get anything right. Sure, i make mistakes, but after doing it a few times i fix it. Most of my classmates just do get it! it could be a long month in there.
After class things got much better. I was debating working out today. the sun was hiding and it was chilly. After a few minutes of sitting inside i said screw it im going biking.
and that is exactly what i did, and very glad. I got out of the city right away this time, took the right turns to get to i know where i am. almost as soon i left Paderborn city limits the sun came out. it lit up everything quite nicely. the wind died and the bike trails and roads were dry. I found the trail we started on the other day and took that for a bit, made some turns here and there. then came across this nice view....

After continuing for a bit i came across this, and followed it...if this was used by the romans or not i dont know, maybe?

The bike trails are so nice. the are roads for cars too, but rarely used. so nice and quite. smooth and good scenery. just being out in the sun and light wind and not working to hard was very calming. made me like where i am for a bit. ive decided i do not like the big cities much (except the Altstaat or old city, thats just cool), because of all the cars and rushing and what comes with a city. Small town Germany is on the other hand really nice. people are nicer, scenery is nicer. just plain better i think. But biking today made me think that everything will work out just fine, no more worrying over the small things. who cares anyways, study abroad is basically just a long trip!
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