Last night some guys from duluth showed up (scheduled). they had been at a world cup game and had no where else to stay. that was at a bit after 10. and they were hungry so i made some food, and it is a lot easier cooking for more than myself. dunno why, but it is.
the test this morning was not quite as easy as i had expected it would be. yesterday i had gotten some good studying down. i knew my notes backwards and forwards, and the notes were exactly what was taught. i wrote down pretty much everything the student teachers or teacher wrote on the board, and what i didnt there were sheets with the info. so some of the stuff was a bit more complex then i thought it would be. oh well. i think i did ok.
after that i came home and the others were still sleeping in the crowed room. so i sat around for a bit. thought about doing homework. decided not to and went and woke them up by getting my bike stuff out.
i wasnt sure how my legs were today, so i decided on the lenght while riding. legs were not tired. but not energized. so i did a nice easy hour 20, with a stop to buy some...
in switzerland. they were 4.5 francs (2.35€ i think) so a bit expensive, i only had 4.30 but the lady gave em to me anyway. i dont think that that would ever happen in germany...
after that i came home. the others were just on the way out the door to go to Meersberg, across the lake. and they are not back with food for dinner yet. im hungry.
then i actually went and did the homework i was going to in the morning. reading for soc. it was mildly interesting stuff on how peoples identities in chat rooms and such.
after that i went to the grocery store cause i just ran out of deodorant. one container for 4 months. not bad...and there was not a single thing of stick deodorant. only spray on and then ball on. so after browsing the selection i went with the ball on. it was the same price per 100 mL as the spray, but just smaller. so cheaper. that was my adventure for the day.
then i found this.
no explaination required
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