21 November, 2006

old faithful

Today I decided to start my 2007 bike season. And to start it I decided to ride to Old Faithful from here in West Yellowstone. A good 30 miles. The road started as really hard packed snow, then eventually changed into just plain road. The snow/ice was actually quite nice, not a whole lot slower then the blacktop. Anyways eventually I had to pee, so I stopped and peed of a bridge while watching some elk. Then once I started riding again the elk got spooked and ran into the road in front of me and stood there. Needless to say I had to stop and let them do whatever they want. After a minute they took off and I continued. Saw some buffalo off in the distance and blocking the road too. They make surprisingly good road blocks. Eventually I came to a climb and for the next 16 miles I went in the general direction of up. Not steep, once in a while flat or a little down, but none the less generally up. Along the way I started to see geysers and hot springs and all that kinda fun thing. Eventually I got to Old Faithful, and the had to wait 90 minutes for it to go off. The usual interval between eruptions is 94 minutes. I am so lucky. After that I cruised back the 30 miles. Taking a few detours to check out some other interesting things. Since I was the only one around I could do anything I wanted, like ride my bike on the board walks I wasnt supposed to and pee on hot springs. Good times...My total ride time was 4 hrs 18 min. It was only about 1000 feet verticle change, but I think the altitude was really hitting me. Once back I veged out for a bit, it was great.


Anonymous said...

this is a long way from Paderborn and Konstanz, but te spirit of adventure still holds, greeting and Happy Thanksgiving to Dave and P, Sean and the rest.

Anonymous said...

Jake...I don't know what sounds better right now, skiing or cycling, but for now I'm still cracking the bike out with our relative dearth of snow. Still trying to log another 350 miles before the New Year. Happy Thanksgiving, Jake, and maybe we'll see some of those January rides in 2007...we can only hope.