Enjoying the weather?
So a few weeks ago Sean invited me to go down to Des Moines, Iowa (his hometown), because Lance was coming. Naturally I said yes, so yesterday was the day. We cruised down yesterday afternoon. Somehow Seans mom was able to get us into the predinner reception with Lance, where we could meet him and get a picture with him. So I got to meet Lance yesterday, the last time I saw him he was doin his thing:Now, a few years later he was wearing a nice suit and a yellow tie, and not beating up on anyone.
I was trying to figure out what to ask him, I did not want it to be about biking. Since he always talks about that. Since it was figgin cold out, I asked him how he was enjoying the weather. He said, "We just got here and we are leaving right after." I assume this meant he was not enjoying it. ha. After he was done with photos he was standing around talking to a couple of the guys in his posse, ha. I wanted to talk to him, that would not be stupid, but I just could not think of anything to say. Of course right after he left I got something. I remembered at ski practice we were talking about whether he would be good at xc skiing. I shoulda asked him if hes ever done it or is going to. Oops. guess I'll have to give him a call or something.
After the reception, we went upstairs to a very large room where there was a thousand or so people. There we ate dinner and Lance gave a speech. The dinner was OK, and the speech was good. His main point was that we need to spend more time and money and researching cancer prevention and cures. He threw a little politics in (criticized the current gov't for spending so much on Iraq while cutting the NCI budget). He said a good amount of funny things too. Oh, also I like to think I inspired his intro, he said last time he was here (for Ragbrai) it was the hottest weather he had been in. Then yesterday it was quite cold, the coldest hes been in. ha.
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