02 March, 2007

something to write about.

Snow, snow, snow. It is pretty crazy. I have never seen this much snow down here. It has basically been snowing for a week now, really quite fun. A good reminder that winter comes and goes when it pleases. My only complaint is the plow drivers on campus. They suck at their job. Some sidewalks wont be plowed, and others will be wide enough to land a 747 on. Consistency would be nice, it would also look much prettier.
Sunday afternoon is the departure for Colorado. I'm pumped, another free airplane trip!
Today for skiing we just went about campus. as you will see in the photos below. We also went off some jumps. (For some stupid reason I cant rotate them right side up).

To Buntrock!
Off to class
Big air
white is right

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

check skinny ski